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Friday, July 20, 2012

Art Weekly: Photographers capture London, city of union flags

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Photographers capture London, city of union flags – the week in art

An exhibition of European masters shows the capital as a city of pearly kings and bunting, as the Tate's Turbine Hall goes interactive – all in today's weekly art dispatch

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Selling point … Milon Novotny's shot of Middlesex market – part of Another London at Tate Britain.
Selling point … Milon Novotny's shot of Middlesex market – part of Another London at Tate Britain. Photograph: Milon Novotny

Exhibition of the week

Another London: International Photographers Capture City Life, 1930-1980
Who could fail to be charmed by this exhibition ? Here is London as seen by some of the great photographers of the 20th century, including Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck. You could say this is where tourists get their revenge. Visitors to the capital see it through different eyes from locals. London's self-image nowadays is as a sophisticated cultural cosmopolis, yet through the lenses of European photographic masters it is the city of pearly kings and union flags – which, this Jubilee year, looks rather accurate.
• Tate Britain, London SW1, from 27 July to 16 September

Other exhibitions this week

Tino Sehgal
Interactive art from Berlin is the latest fun in Tate Modern's Turbine Hall.
Tate Modern, London SE1, from 24 July to 28 October

Francis Upritchard
Ingenious and bizarre sculpture by this New Zealand-born, London-based artist.
Nottingham Contemporary, NG1 from 21 July until 30 September

Julian Stair
Cutting-edge ceramics with a funereal theme.
Mima, Sunderland TS1, until 11 November

Nancy Holt
Photoworks by this American pioneer of site-specific art.
• Haunch of Venison, London W1, until 25 August

Masterpiece of the week

Wine buffs … Nicolas Poussin's The Triumph of Pan (1636). Wine buffs … Nicolas Poussin's The Triumph of Pan (1636). Photograph: Dulwich Picture Gallery

Poussin, The Triumph of Pan
Revellers spin and gyre round a red-faced herm, the statue coming to monstrous life as wine flushes its cheeks. A Roman vase is rendered immaculately in gold and white on the ground. The classical work lives on in this remote countryside. Pan haunts the glade.
• National Gallery, London WC2

Image of the week

Suzanne Lacy's The Crystal Quilt plays in over speakers in the Tanks, the new Tate Modern space Redroom, redroom … Suzanne Lacy's The Crystal Quilt plays in over speakers in the Tanks, the new Tate Modern space. Photograph: Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA

What we learned this week

What Ferris Bueller, art labyrinths and a history of techno music have in common

What Tate Modern director Chris Dercon really thinks about BP sponsorship, Damien Hirst and the Belgian avant garde scene

How two art-deal chancers tried to flog a Matisse in Miami

That there's been a huge, perhaps unwarranted crackdown on London graffiti artists in the run-up to the Olympics

Sarah Lucas has landed in Leeds with a new show that could recast the whole language of sculpture

All about our long history of attempting to be superhuman... and what the earliest ever artificial arm (from the 1500s!) looks like

Ai Weiwei's tax evasion appeal has been rejected by Chinese court

And finally …

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Might you be the marketing manager the Photographers' Gallery are looking for?

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