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Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Life of Jack London as a Case Study in the Power and Perils of Thumos — #5: On the Road

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The Life of Jack London as a Case Study in the Power and Perils of Thumos — #5: On the Road

By Brett & Kate McKay


This article is part of a series that studies the life of Jack London, and especially his display of the Ancient Greek concept of thumos.

As Jack London worked more than ten hours a day, seven days a week keeping thread wrapped around bobbins in a jute mill, his deep sea voyage, and with it his life of adventure, began to seem very far away. It was back to being a "Work Beast" with no time for sailing, reading, or anything else but sleep.

When Jack's mother saw a contest announced in a local newspaper calling for the best descriptive article by a young writer twenty-two and under, she encouraged her son to enter. He frequently reminisced about his experience piloting the Sophie Sutherland through the typhoon anyway, she argued, so why not put the memory down on paper? London was hesitant at first; he hadn't yet given much thought to writing at this point in his life and working on the article would mean sacrificing precious sleep. Finally he relented and stayed up two nights in a row to pen the piece – he was practically delirious by the time it was finished. When the contest results were announced, Jack, the eighteen-year-old, largely self-educated autodidact, had taken first prize, besting students from Berkeley and Stanford. Along with the honor, he won $25 – an intoxicating amount of money that almost equaled an entire month toiling at the mill.

Encouraged by his success, Jack furiously typed up several more articles and sent them out to magazines and newspapers. But all he received in reply was a spate of rejection notices. Perhaps, Jack thought, the moment of success had just been a fluke.

London decided he needed to pursue a more stable and lucrative professional career. Like many young men his age, he had grown up reading rags-to-riches stories of Horatio Alger-type success – tales in which a young lad, full of perseverance and pluck, starts at the bottom of a company and tirelessly works his way to the top. Jack figured it was time for him to start his own similarly bootstrapped ascent. Becoming an electrician interested him, so he "bade farewell forever to the adventure-path" and called on the supervisor of an electric railway company. Jack told him of his desire to work his way through the ranks and his willingness to begin on the very lowest rung on the ladder. The supervisor commended Jack for his attitude and promised him that such advancement was certainly possible if he would labor diligently. He put London to work shoveling coal in the powerhouse seven days a week, with one day off per month. He was supposed to receive $30 a month for ten hours a day of labor, but he was paid by the amount of coal shoveled, and they regularly gave him more than twelve hours of coal to work through every day. But just as he had on the Sophie Sutherland, Jack was determined to show he was up to the task and had what it took to get ahead. Hour after hour he shoveled, until his body dripped with sweat, his muscles cramped up, and he was forced to don thick leather splints to brace up his badly aching wrists. When he rode the streetcar home at night, his knees would buckle from sheer exhaustion.

Eventually a fireman at the plant took pity on the bone-wearied young man and told him the truth of the situation. Before the supervisor had hired him, his job has been the work of two grown men, each of whom made $40 a month. "The superintendent, bent on an economical administration, had persuaded me to do the work of both men for thirty dollars a month," Jack bitterly recalled. "I thought he was making an electrician of me. In truth and fact, he was saving fifty dollars a month operating expenses to the company." Even worse, one of the men Jack had displaced had committed suicide – despondent he couldn't find work to support his family. The fireman apologized for not telling Jack sooner, saying the supervisor had warned everyone not to, and that he'd been sure Jack would quit on his own after just a day or two of the crushing toil.

Jack left the job in disgust. He felt exploited and like something of a scab. Thoroughly disillusioned with toiling as a wage slave, he left the working world behind entirely for life on the road. Traveling by foot and rail, he set out to join up with "Kelly's Army." The "army" was a contingent of protestors that were headed across the country to meet up with a larger march in Washington D.C. led by Jacob Coxey. Coxey was leading a movement decrying the rampant unemployment caused by the Panic of 1893 and petitioning the government to create public works jobs. London himself set out not so much because of sympathy with the cause, but simply because his wanderlust was calling once more.

There was much to this new life of tramping that appealed to London's adventurous sensibilities. Seeing parts of the country he had never before beheld inspired his native curiosity and sense of wonder, and he especially enjoyed gaining the prowess required to ride the rails without being killed. It was a daring adult game of hide n'seek, with the hobos trying to stay out of sight and the conductors and brakemen looking to ferret them out and toss them off the train. Jack often traveled undetected by clinging to struts underneath the cars, with only inches between him and the tracks below. "His agility in ducking under rapidly moving cars," Charmian said, "always remained a matter of pride to him, calling as it did for the smoothest coordination of nerve and muscle."

Jack equally took pleasure in meeting new people from all walks of life. When the "army" made camp at night in open fields, the men would sit around the fire talking about their lives, complaining about the conditions in their old jobs, and voicing their displeasure with the current economic system. Jack had never thought much about politics before, and this was his first full exposure to the ideas of socialism – an exposure that would grow into a lifelong, thumos-fueled passion. London's socialism tends to be a fixation for some people, and as it is not possible to understand him, or the arc of his thumos, without understanding his views on the subject, let us pause here and explain more about it.

Jack London: Socialist Superman


London believed that one of the master keys to success was finding a "philosophy of life." As a young man he first developed his own philosophical outlook by reading works by Darwin, Nietzsche, and Spencer. From his studies of these thinkers, London came to view the world in terms of biological evolution, and believed that despite the thin veneer of civilization, people were still driven by the same primal urges that had motivated their ancestors. Modern people, London believed, could still be stirred by the now faint "Call of the Wild." Just like the dog Buck in that story, a man could sometimes sense the misty shadows of his primitive past reaching out to him, filling "him with a great unrest and strange desires," causing him to "feel a vague, sweet gladness," and bringing to him an awareness "of wild yearnings and stirrings for he knew not what." And just like in that "other and dimly remembered world," success was a matter of the survival of the fittest. The strongest and brightest, those with the most courage and fight, could become leaders of the pack – perfected, Nietzschean Supermen. Transforming himself into such a god-like figure would be the guiding aim of London's life:

 ”To be a man was to write man in large capitals on my heart. To adventure like a man, and fight like a man and do a man’s work — these were things that reached right in and gripped hold of me as no other thing could. And I looked ahead into long vistas of a hazy interminable future in which, playing what I conceived to be a man’s game, I should continue to travel with unfailing health, without accidents, and with muscles ever vigorous…This future was interminable. I could only see myself raging through life without end. Lustfully roving and conquering by sheer superiority and strength.”

Forged in his youth, Jack's primal, survival of the fittest philosophy would remain his core belief throughout his life. It was softened, but not supplanted, by his socialism. Before leaving to tramp across the country, his own grinding work experiences had convinced him the current system was unfair and inhumane. Out on the road, Jack saw men who had once been healthy and strong like he was, but who had been crippled by accident or illness. Unfit for labor, they had been tossed aside by society, and Jack realized that he too could suffer a similar fate – even doing the grueling factory work he despised might become impossible. From the seeds of this sobering observation grew London's belief that all people deserved a fairer shake in life.

Socialism at the turn of the century did not have the same connotations as it does today, and Jack's views on the subject were complex. He advocated for things like regulations against child labor (his time as the pickle cannery ever at the back of his mind), more honest and transparent elections, and the municipal ownership of utilities (so that a young lad wouldn't be stuck, say, shoveling coal for 12 hours a day). He liked to think of himself as a radical, but as a reporter who listened to Jack's speeches wrote, "Any man, in the opinion of London, is a socialist who strives for a better form of government than the one he is living under." While stumping for socialism in his later years, he bought a large yacht, a ranch, and kept a manservant to attend to his needs. A couple of quotes from two of his biographers can help sum up the various strains of London's thinking as succinctly as possible:

"[His] was never the socialism of the slacker. He did not oppose the finer things in life, indeed he wanted them for himself…But everyone, he believed, should have an equal opportunity for the good life, which the current system of labor exploitation rendered manifestly impossible. Fortunes gained by sweat and brilliance were acceptable; fortunes gained by capitalizing on the desperation of others were not."

"He took a backseat to none in his insistence on equality of opportunity and dignified treatment in the workplace, but to him socialism was not about banning wealth; it was about banning wealth accrued by exploiting others."

Although London's competing philosophies may seem contradictory (indeed, even his fellow contemporary socialists criticized his enjoyment of the luxuries his literary wealth made possible) London himself did not see his desire to be a Superman and his passionate socialism as being at odds. He could enjoy the wealth he created for himself with a clear conscience, he said, because he had not earned it on the backs of others. And it also served as a means to an end, as Charmian explained: "He would himself first climb out of the pit, that he might live to reach a hand to the fellow who could not rise by himself." In other words, London worked hard to gain the good life for himself, not simply because he enjoyed it, but because he believed his success would put him in a better position to help others as well; he thought a man should strive mightily for greatness, but not live solely for himself. He would become a Superman, yes, but a socialist Superman — one who would not let fame and success blind him to a concern for the less fortunate. In short, he took "survival of the fittest" as his private governing philosophy, while advocating for socialism as the governing principle of the public sphere. He was, one friend said, "the most inherently individualistic" and "unsocialistic of all the Socialists I have met."

Whether one personally agrees with London's socialism or not is in fact immaterial, at least in the context of the specific subject of this series. Thumos sparks a man's passionate fight for causes of a social, political, and religious nature, but it may call one man one way, and another man another. It is thumos, too, that provokes man's desire to argue about who has gotten it right and who has misdirected this force!

Home Again, Home Again

The seeds of Jack's socialism had been firmly planted, but hungry and disillusioned with the way he felt the leader of Kelly's Army had been putting on airs, he deserted the march in Missouri, and rode the rails alone to Chicago, and then to New York. After some more adventuresome tramping (and a month-long stay in jail for vagrancy – an experience that outraged Jack when he was denied a trial), London traveled by freight train 3,000 miles through the icy Canadian landscape to Vancouver, and then worked aboard a steamship to earn his passage back to California.

London's time tramping had been another rite of passage that had heightened his curiosity about the world even further and given him clarity about what to do with his future. The broken lives of his fellow hobos had been a clear warning to Jack, and he saw that a life of physical labor was too precarious. Instead, he would make a living, and rise to greatness, using the power of his mind. To do so, he needed to get that mind in fighting condition. It was time to go back to school.




Wolf: The Lives of Jack London by James L. Haley 

Jack London: A Life by Alex Kershaw

The Book of Jack London, Volumes 1 & 2 by Charmian London (free in the public domain)

Complete Works of Jack London (all of London's works are available free in the public domain, or you can download his hundreds of writings all in one place for $3, which is just plain awesome)



Outfitted & Equipped: Linking Up at the Round Robin Bar in Washington, D.C.

By Brett & Kate McKay

Round Robin Bar 2

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Editor's note: This gallery is curated by Walker Lamond from Rules for My Unborn Son.

The next three editions of Outfitted and Equipped will be a special series that I’m excited about. I’ve asked three of my favorite men’s lifestyle bloggers to curate an edition based on what they would wear and carry when linking up with friends at their favorite hometown hangout. First up is Walker Lamond, author of one of my favorite blogs and books, Rules for My Unborn Son. Walker hails from Washington, D.C. and is a big fan of the historical Round Robin Bar there:

The Round Robin Bar in the Willard Hotel has been around awhile. Mark Twain drank here. So did Walt Whitman, and legend has it that this is where Henry Clay introduced the Mint Julep to Washington. Just sitting at the round mahogany bar will make you feel manly. The decidedly non-hipster bartender serves up sidecars and gin rickeys without irony, and it’s still my special occasion bar of choice. Which these days means pretty much any time I get a pass to hit the town. Here’s how I like to dress and what I like carry with me when I pay the bar a visit.

How does Outfitted and Equipped work? The FAQ.

1. The Sunglasses: Shuron Freeways. Made in the USA and unchanged from when they didn’t look retro.

2. The Tie: Knitted – Kelly Green. I’m a sucker for solids. And with this one no one will try to guess your party affiliation. Plus you wont worry about wrinkling it when you toss it in your bag after a few rounds.

3. The Accessory: Rope Boardwalk Bracelet. Reminds me to never stray too far from the beach, at least in my mind.

4. The Golf Tee: I always seem to have a couple golf tees in my pocket. They’re not really handy for anything but golf. But they speak volumes when they spill out of your billfold.

5. The Watch: Timex Easy Reader. This is the same watch I’ve worn since high school. I swap the strap out every couple years.

6. The Cologne: Royall Muske. Two dabs behind the ear. Just remember to tighten the cap before you put it back in your bag.

7. The Boot: Clark’s Desert Boot. The most comfortable warm weather shoe in the world. I wear them everyday.

8. The Pocketknife: Key Knife. Washington has a no-knife law so this one sneaks on my keychain. Good for opening champagne and subpoenas.

9. The Swim Shorts: Birdwell Beach Britches. I’m an optimist, so I always carry a bathing suit in my bag wherever I go. I’ve worn Birdwells since I was a kid, and they haven’t changed a lick. Plus, red trunks make me feel like a lifeguard.

10. The Shirt: Sid Mashburn Spread Collar Dress Shirt. Simply, the perfect shirt.

11. The Jacket: Navy Seersucker Suit Blazer. A soft-shouldered cotton jacket is my go-to for most occasions. I had my tailor whip up one for me in a lightweight seersucker, but this one from Club Monaco has all the right details and isn’t too expensive.

12. The Cap: Quaker Marine Swordfish Cap. Never know when someone will invite you to the beach or the ballpark. Be prepared.

13. The Handkerchief: Bandana of your choice. The hankie in your breast pocket is for her. This one’s for you. I always carry one in my back pocket. It will come in handy on a sweltering DC summer day.

14. The Pants: Levi’s 501 Jeans. These jeans are so versatile I wear them almost every day when the temps are above 70. And in the summertime, they dress up very well. Wearing a suit is fine, but in Washington, you’ll look like you just got off work on the Hill.

15. The Beverage: Jameson Whisky. Something to wet the whistle.

16. The Bag: Wm. J. Mills Flight Bag. My go-bag of choice. No frills and durable as hell.

17. The Pen: Montblanc Black Rollerball Pen. Sure a Bic does the trick, but every guy needs one fancy thing. This is mine.

18. The Check-In: Postcard from the Willard. I try to end any dinner or night out with a postcard to a friend. It beats checking in on Facebook or Foursquare.


Walker Lamond is a writer, television producer, and author of the book Rules for My Unborn Son, based on his popular blog. His television credits include programs for the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and HBO. His most important credit, of course, is dad.


The Weekly Huckberry Giveaway: March 29, 2013

By Brett & Kate McKay


The winner of last week’s giveaway was:

Jason from Oxford, MS. Jason chose the popular ITS Tactical Discreet Messenger Bag. Jason said he’s been looking at that bag for a long. long time, and couldn’t pull the trigger and was happy we decided for him. Glad to be of service, sir.

My Picks This Week


Once again, Huckberry is jam-packed with some incredibly awesome stuff this week. My favorites include hammers (and a hatchet) from Hardcore Hammers, which are designed for maximum longevity by a carpenter and are entirely forged, sourced, hand-ground and assembled in the USA; the vintage plaid playing cards from Dan and Dave which feature unique extras like a majestic Buck joker card, crossword puzzles, and an Ace of Spades stainless steel bottle opener card; and a beautiful maple and walnut coat rack and organizer from Meriwether that’s handcrafted in Montana. Another gem are the incredible wallets from Fielder’s Choice, which are made from the re-purposed vintage Rawlings Leather of old baseball gloves. These babies always sell out in a blink — you’ve really got to be quick on the draw. They’re all gone, and more won’t be coming in, but if you select one in the  giveaway, Huckberry will hook you up. Fielder’s Choice makes a nice belt too.

The Prize

Any item currently available in the Huckberry Store. Be sure to check out the current line-up of items as it changes every week.

How to Enter

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  • Take a look around, pick one item you'd like, and leave a comment on this post sharing your selection.
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Deadline to enter is April 4, 2013 at 5PM CDT.

We'll then draw one random comment to select the winner. This lucky gent will get the item they selected and shared in the comments. Good luck!


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